Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
4,110 lines
Begin Form ManyThings
BackColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ClientHeight = 4605
ClientLeft = 1845
ClientTop = 1710
ClientWidth = 7995
ControlBox = 0 'False
Height = 5010
Icon = MANYTHNG.FRX:0000
Left = 1785
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 307
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 533
Top = 1365
Width = 8115
Begin Timer Tick
Enabled = 0 'False
Interval = 50
Left = 10
Top = 10
Begin Label PasswordLabel
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "Need Password "
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 24
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 690
Left = 2430
TabIndex = 0
Top = 3510
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 4470
' BackGround -- this form expands to fill the whole
' screen and is used as the back drop for all the
' drawing
Option Explicit
' variables declared here
Dim MouseX, MouseY ' Last position of the mouse moves
Dim LastX As Integer, LastY As Integer
'Dim conv2x As Single, conv2y As Single
Dim LastTime As Long
Dim CurrentTime As Long
Dim LinkTime As Long
Dim PlotType As Integer
Dim PlotInit As Integer
Dim PlotEnd As Integer
Dim RepeatIndex As Integer
Dim Pointer As Integer
Dim Mirror As Integer
Dim RunMode As Integer
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer
Dim vx1 As Single, vy1 As Single, vx2 As Single, vy2 As Single
Dim ax1 As Single, ax2 As Single, ay1 As Single, ay2 As Single
Dim l As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim MaxSpeedX As Integer, MaxSpeedY As Integer
Dim TimeInterval As Long
Dim MaxTime As Long
Dim Repeats As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim BoxHeight As Integer, BoxWidth As Integer
Dim DC As Integer
Dim Pattern As Long, Locked As Integer
Dim Direction As Integer
Dim Number As Integer
Dim PicWidth As Integer, PicHeight As Integer
Dim PriorityBreakPoints() As Single
Dim Priorities() As Integer
Dim TotalPriority As Single
Dim MaxPlotType As Integer
' values for GetBrightNonGray:
' minimum magnitude squared of colors
Const MinColor = 3000' was 10000
' minimum difference between colors
Const MinDiff = 30
'Allocate Memory
Dim x1a() As Integer
Dim x2a() As Integer
Dim y1a() As Integer
Dim y2a() As Integer
Dim x1da() As Integer
Dim x2da() As Integer
Dim y1da() As Integer
Dim y2da() As Integer
Dim x1sa() As Single
Dim x2sa() As Single
Dim y1sa() As Single
Dim y2sa() As Single
Dim vx1sa() As Single
Dim vx2sa() As Single
Dim vy1sa() As Single
Dim vy2sa() As Single
Dim ax1sa() As Single
Dim ax2sa() As Single
Dim ay1sa() As Single
Dim ay2sa() As Single
Dim Colors() As Long
Dim DataPts() As Integer
'for filled polygons
Dim Points() As POINTAPI
Const PI = 3.14159265358979
Const Sin45 = .707106781186547
Const Cos45 = Sin45
Const Sin22_5 = .38268343236509
Const Cos22_5 = .923879532511287
Const Sin11_25 = .195090322016128
Const Cos11_25 = .98078528040323
Const HighMirror = 10
Function CheckIfValidSaver (NeedsMuchMemory As Integer) As Integer
'when in low memory mode the saver only runs the modules
'that draw on the screen, not those that manipulate
'bitmaps, savers that use more memory will pass
'NeedsMuchMemory as a non-zero value
If LowMemoryFlag = 0 Then 'if not low memory mode then done
CheckIfValidSaver = 1
If NeedsMuchMemory <> 0 Then
LogFile ("Saver not valid in low memory: " + Str$(PlotType)), 0
CheckIfValidSaver = 0
CheckIfValidSaver = 1
End If
End If
If Priorities(PlotType) = 0 Then
LogFile ("Saver disabled: " + Str$(PlotType)), 0
CheckIfValidSaver = 0
End If
End Function
Sub Circles ()
' have a single elipse trace across the
' screen with multiple previous copies following
' it
Dim xRadius As Integer, yRadius As Integer
Dim HighMirror As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim x2a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim y1a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim y2a(MaxLines) As Integer
Pointer = 1 ' start with array element 1
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
'determine initial position of line
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
x2 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
y2 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'set initial velocity
vx1 = 0
vx2 = 0
vy1 = 0
vy2 = 0
'set initial acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
'select mirroring method
HighMirror = 5
Mirror = Rnd * HighMirror + 1: If Mirror > HighMirror Then Mirror = 1
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'zero array sizes
ReDim x1a(0) As Integer
ReDim x2a(0) As Integer
ReDim y1a(0) As Integer
ReDim y2a(0) As Integer
End If
Else ' put run code here
Tick.Enabled = False' disable timer until circles completed
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
'set color
l = GetBrightNonGray()
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Delete original circle
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((x1a(Pointer) + x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Select Case Mirror
Case 1: 'mirror on x and y axis
'Delete original circle mirrored on Y axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Delete original circle mirrored on X axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((x1a(Pointer) + x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Delete original circle mirrored on origin
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case 2: 'mirror on Y axis
'Delete original circle mirrored on Y axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case 3: 'mirror around center point
'Delete original circle mirrored on origin
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, m, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case Else: ' otherwise ignore (i.e. no mirror)
End Select
'Save New Circle
x1a(Pointer) = x1
x2a(Pointer) = x2
y1a(Pointer) = y1
y2a(Pointer) = y2
Select Case Mirror
Case 1: 'mirror on x and y axis
'Delete original circle mirrored on Y axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Delete original circle mirrored on X axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((x1a(Pointer) + x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Delete original circle mirrored on origin
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case 2: 'mirror on Y axis
'Delete original circle mirrored on y axis
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case 3: 'mirror around center point
'Delete original circle mirrored on origin
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((ScaleWidth - x1a(Pointer) + ScaleWidth - x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (ScaleHeight - y1a(Pointer) + ScaleHeight - y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
Case Else: ' otherwise ignore (i.e. no mirror)
End Select
Tick.Enabled = True' re-enable timer
'Draw new Circle
xRadius = Abs(x1a(Pointer) - x2a(Pointer)) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1a(Pointer) - y2a(Pointer)) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((x1a(Pointer) + x2a(Pointer)) / 2, (y1a(Pointer) + y2a(Pointer)) / 2), xRadius, l, , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxLines Then
Pointer = 1
End If
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ax2 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
ay2 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
x2 = x2 + vx2
y1 = y1 + vy1
y2 = y2 + vy2
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = 0: ax2 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
vy2 = (vy2 + ay2): If Abs(vy2) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2 = 0: ay2 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
If (x2 > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx2 = -Abs(vx2)
ElseIf (x2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx2 = Abs(vx2)
End If
If (y2 > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy2 = -Abs(vy2)
ElseIf (y2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy2 = Abs(vy2)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClearScreen ()
'goes to extreme efforts to clear the screen
DC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0&, 0&, 0&)
'clear display
BitBlt DC, 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, DC, 0, 0, &H42&
i = DeleteDC(DC)
picture = LoadPicture() ' clear picture
BackColor = QBColor(0)
End Sub
Sub Confetti ()
'put points on screen
'Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim Size As Integer
Dim UniformBoxes As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If LowMemoryFlag = 0 Then 'if not low memory mode then done
picture = original.Image ' start with original screen
End If
PlotInit = True
Size = Rnd * 5 + 1
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
Tick.Enabled = True
picture = LoadPicture()
End If
Tick.Enabled = False
Size = Rnd * 5 + 1 ' size to make dots
If Rnd > .5 Then
UniformBoxes = True
UniformBoxes = False
End If
x = Int(Rnd * ScrnWidth)
y = Int(Rnd * ScrnHeight)
Line (x, y)-(x + Size, y + Size), GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256), Int(Rnd * 256))), BF
If UniformBoxes = False Then
Size = Rnd ^ 10 * 40 + 2'new size
End If
CurrentTime = Timer
If (CurrentTime > MaxTime) Or (LastTime > CurrentTime) Then Exit Do
Tick.Enabled = True
picture = LoadPicture()
End If
End Sub
Sub CyclePalette ()
Dim Header As Long, DataBits As Long, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim l As Long
Static Xoffset As Integer, Yoffset As Integer, red As Integer, green As Integer, blue As Integer
Static Wdth As Integer, Hght As Integer
Static FastPalRunFlag As Integer, PassFlag As Integer
Dim FileName As String, File As String
Static PaletteFlag As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'we only allow to run once since it has problems:
'if started more than once durring before program stops
'then resources can disappear drastically, there must
'be something about the animatepalette function or
'sendmessage that requires resources to be cleared?
If FastPalRunFlag Then
LogFile "Already ran Fast pallete cycle " + File, 1
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
'initialization code here:
File = GetNextFile(CycleBitmapsDir, 1, "dib", "gif", "")
If File = "" Then 'check if could not load
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
' find file
'FileSpec = RTrim$(BitmapsDir) + "\*.dib"
j = Rnd * 50 ' pick file at random
For i = 1 To j
File = GetNextFile(CycleBitmapsDir, 0, "dib", "gif", "")' get next file
Next i
'i = LoadSlide(File, 1)
'If i = 0 Then 'check if could not load
' LogFile "Could not load file " + File, 1
' NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
' Exit Sub
'End If
If InStr(UCase$(File), ".GIF") = 0 Then
l = ManyDibLoad(File, Wdth, Hght)'load dib
If l <= 0 Then 'check if could not load
LogFile "Could not read DIB file " + File, 1
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
l = ManyGifLoad(File, Wdth, Hght)'load gif
If l <= 0 Then 'check if could not load
LogFile "Could not read GIF file " + File, 1
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If (TotalNumColors <= 256) And (FastPaletteCycleFlag <> 0) Then
FastPalRunFlag = 1
'free up all but 2 system palettes
i = SetSystemPaletteUse(hDC, SYSPAL_NOSTATIC)
'show the palettes
SetWindow2DIBPalette PC_RESERVED
LogFile "Using Fast Palette Cycling", 0
PaletteFlag = 1
Else 'don't mess with palettes
'picture = LoadPicture() ' clear screen
LogFile "Changing Palette using screen redraws", 0
PaletteFlag = 0
End If
PassFlag = 2
PlotInit = True
'position image
Xoffset = (ScrnWidth - Wdth) / 2
Yoffset = (ScrnHeight - Hght) / 2
'set tick rate
Tick.Interval = 25
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
If PaletteFlag <> 0 Then
'remove priority on palette entries
SetWindow2DIBPalette 0
i = SetSystemPaletteUse(hDC, SYSPAL_STATIC)'restore system palette
End If
'try to read last temp file for background
i = LoadSlideAndTile(RTrim$(BitmapsDir) + "\tmprary.dib")
'save current screen as new original
DC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0&, 0&, 0&)
BitBlt original.hDC, 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
i = DeleteDC(DC)
i = ManyDibFree() 'free memory used for dib
If i <> 0 Then
LogFile "Could not free memory", 1
End If
'set tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
End If
Else ' put run code here
If PassFlag > 1 Then
Header = ManyDibGet() 'get pointer to header
DataBits = ManyDibGetData() 'get pointer to data
If Header <> 0 Then
i = SetStretchBltMode(hDC, 3)
i = StretchDIBits(hDC, 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, 0, 0, Wdth, Hght, DataBits, Header, 0, &HCC0020)'source copy
LogFile "Header missing", 1
Exit Sub
End If
PassFlag = PassFlag - 1
Header = ManyDibGet() 'get pointer to header
DataBits = ManyDibGetData() 'get pointer to data
If Header <> 0 Then
If PaletteFlag <> 0 Then
DoAnimatePalette Pal, 1, 1'shift pallete by one
Else 'if not palette based, animate screen by
'changing colors and redrawing
'draw screen
i = SetStretchBltMode(hDC, 3)
ManyDibCyclePalette -1, 1, 255'cycle colors
'i = StretchDIBits(hDC, 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, 0, 0, 640, 480, DataBits, Header, 0, &HCC0020)'source copy
i = SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC, Xoffset, Yoffset, Wdth, Hght, 0, 0, 0, Hght, DataBits, Header, 0)
End If
LogFile "Header missing", 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub DoAnimatePalette (palette As LOGPALETTE, Start As Integer, StepSize As Integer)
' cycle palete entry and display
Dim entrynum%, i As Integer
Dim usepal As Integer
Dim holdentry As PALETTEENTRY
Dim temp As Long
For i = 1 To StepSize'shift n times
' The following code simply loops the color values
LSet holdentry = palette.palPalEntry(Start)
For entrynum% = Start To PALENTRIES - 2
LSet palette.palPalEntry(entrynum%) = palette.palPalEntry(entrynum% + 1)
Next entrynum%
LSet palette.palPalEntry(PALENTRIES - 1) = holdentry
Next i
' Get a handle to the control's palette
On Error GoTo 299
usepal = SendMessageByNum(hWnd, VBM_GETPALETTE, 0, 0)
On Error GoTo 0
AnimatePalette usepal, 0, PALENTRIES, palette.palPalEntry(0)
Exit Sub
299 'overflow on getting palette handle
On Error GoTo 0
LogFile "Overflow on getting palette handle", 1
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Dribble ()
'dribbling paint on screen
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Static MaxHole As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
'determine initial position of shot
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 20! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 20! / 600
' zero initial velocity
vx1 = 0: vy1 = 0
'set maximum size of holes
MaxHole = 4
ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)' use black box
FillColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'set black fill
FillStyle = 0 'solid fill
RunMode = Int(Rnd * 2#)'choose black or color
'Debug.Print RunMode
If RunMode > 0 Then ' if random color then use larger spots
MaxHole = 8
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
FillColor = ForeColor
End If
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
FillStyle = 1 'transparent fill
End If
Else ' put run code here
If RunMode > 0 Then ' see if need to change to random color
If Rnd < .05 Then
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
FillColor = ForeColor
End If
End If
' put random hole here
Circle (x1 + Rnd * 20, y1 + Rnd * 20), MaxHole * Rnd + 2, , , , 1
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = 2 * Rnd - 1
ay1 = 2 * Rnd - 1
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
y1 = y1 + vy1
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = -vx1 * .9: vy1 = -vy1 * .9: ax1 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vx1 = -vx1 * .9: vy1 = -vy1 * .9: ay1 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Drop ()
' bitblt's with various patterns, dragging them
' across the screen randomly
Dim j As Integer
Static OldY As Integer
Static NotFoundCount As Integer
Const MaxCount = 200
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'store whether column has dropped
ReDim x1a(ScaleWidth)
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
'flag that no column has been chosen
x1 = -1
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 10! / 600
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 10! / 800
' zero initial velocity
vy1 = 0
'width of column to drop
BoxWidth = 10 + Rnd * 100
i = Int(Rnd * 2#)'if i=0 then do jagged drop
x2 = 0 'used for width change
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'store whether column has dropped
ReDim x1a(0)
End If
Else ' put run code here
If x1 < 0 Then 'see if found valid column
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth / BoxWidth 'choose a column
If x1a(x1) = 0 Then 'check if not yet dropped
y1 = 0 'start position
x1a(x1) = 1 'flag that column has already been used
x2 = 0: vx2 = 0: OldY = 0' initialize variables
NotFoundCount = 0
x1 = -1 'flag that no column chosen
' count column failures
NotFoundCount = NotFoundCount + 1
If NotFoundCount > MaxCount Then
'restart dropping
'reset whether column has dropped
ReDim x1a(ScaleWidth)
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
End If
End If
Else 'if column already found, then drop it
If i = 0 Then 'check if jagged drop
'make sure effective width does not get too small
If x2 >= BoxWidth - 5 Then
x2 = BoxWidth - 5
vx2 = -vx2 'reverse direction
End If
j = x2 / 2 'get half of change
'shift column
DC = original.hDC
BitBlt hDC, x1 * BoxWidth + j, y1, BoxWidth - x2, ScaleHeight - y1, DC, x1 * BoxWidth + j, 0, &HCC0020'source copy
'blank top of column
BitBlt hDC, x1 * BoxWidth + j, OldY, BoxWidth - x2, y1 - OldY + 1, DC, x1 * BoxWidth + j, 0, &H42'blackout
Else ' not jagged drop
'shift column
DC = original.hDC
BitBlt hDC, x1 * BoxWidth, y1, BoxWidth, ScaleHeight - y1, DC, x1 * BoxWidth, 0, &HCC0020 'source copy
'blank top of column
BitBlt hDC, x1 * BoxWidth, OldY, BoxWidth, y1 - OldY + 1, DC, x1 * BoxWidth, 0, &H42'blackout
End If
'save current position
OldY = y1
'check if off screen
If (y1 > ScaleHeight) Then
x1 = -1 'flag done
vy1 = 0'zero velocity again
End If
'determine new acceleration
ay1 = Rnd * .25
ax2 = Rnd * .25 - .125
'calculate new positions
y1 = y1 + vy1
x2 = x2 + vx2
'calculate new velocity
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = vy1 / 2: ay1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = vx2 / 2: ax2 = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub EndScrnSaveForm ()
LogFile "EndScrnSaveFrom: before freeing memory", 1
i = SetSystemPaletteUse(hDC, SYSPAL_STATIC)'restore system palette
i = ManyDibFree() 'free memory used for dib
If i <> 0 Then
LogFile "Could not free memory", 1
End If
picture = LoadPicture()
EndScrnSave 'call global screen saver
End Sub
Sub FilledCircles ()
' have a single filled elipse trace across the screen
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, n As Integer
Dim xRadius As Integer, yRadius As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
FillColor = ForeColor
BackColor = QBColor(0)
FillStyle = 0' use solid fill
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
'determine initial position of line
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
x2 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
y2 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'set initial velocity
vx1 = 0
vx2 = 0
vy1 = 0
vy2 = 0
'set initial acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
'find background color
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
FillStyle = 1 'transparent fill
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
' get random fore ground color
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = RGB(i, j, k)
' get random fill color
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
FillColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Draw new Circle
xRadius = Abs(x1 - x2) / 2
yRadius = Abs(y1 - y2) / 2
If xRadius <> 0 Then
Circle ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2), xRadius, , , , yRadius / xRadius
End If
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxLines Then
Pointer = 1
End If
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ax2 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
ay2 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
x2 = x2 + vx2
y1 = y1 + vy1
y2 = y2 + vy2
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = 0: ax2 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
vy2 = (vy2 + ay2): If Abs(vy2) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2 = 0: ay2 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
If (x2 > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx2 = -Abs(vx2)
ElseIf (x2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx2 = Abs(vx2)
End If
If (y2 > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy2 = -Abs(vy2)
ElseIf (y2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy2 = Abs(vy2)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub FilledPolygons ()
' draw a randomly moving polygon on the screen
' slightly offset from previous polygon
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, ii As Integer, n As Integer
Static Sets As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
FillStyle = 0' use solid fill
DrawWidth = 1' use narrow line
j = SetPolyFillMode(hDC, 2)' use winding fill mode
'set number of corners between 3 and 5
Sets = Rnd * 4 + 3
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim Points(Sets) As POINTAPI
ReDim vx1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(Sets) As Single
'counter for changing colors, set to overflow
RepeatIndex = RepeatCount + 1
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine initial position of line
Points(j).x = Rnd * ScaleWidth
Points(j).y = Rnd * ScaleHeight
Next j
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
ReDim Points(0) As POINTAPI
ReDim vx1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(0) As Single
FillStyle = 1 'transparent fill
j = SetPolyFillMode(hDC, 1)' reset to alternate fill mode
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
'set fill color
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
FillColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
'set foreground color
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = RGB(i, j, k)
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Draw polygon
j = Polygon(hDC, Points(0), Sets)
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine new acceleration
ax1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
ay1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
Points(j).x = Points(j).x + vx1sa(j)
Points(j).y = Points(j).y + vy1sa(j)
'calculate new velocity
vx1sa(j) = (vx1sa(j) + ax1sa(j)): If Abs(vx1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1sa(j) = 0: ax1sa(j) = 0
vy1sa(j) = (vy1sa(j) + ay1sa(j)): If Abs(vy1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1sa(j) = 0: ay1sa(j) = 0
'check if off screen
If (Points(j).x > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = -Abs(vx1sa(j))
ElseIf (Points(j).x < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = Abs(vx1sa(j))
End If
If (Points(j).y > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = -Abs(vy1sa(j))
ElseIf (Points(j).y < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = Abs(vy1sa(j))
End If
Next j
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_KeyDown (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Static KeyState As String * 257
Dim LongChar As Long
Dim KeyAscii As Integer
Static temp$ ' Collects characters each time key is pressed.
If Passwd = "" Then
LogFile ("KeyDown, Terminating"), 0
EndScrnSaveForm ' End screen blanking
'refresh system modal in case another process
'has grabbed it
If TestMode = 0 Then
ZOrder 0' make sure form is still on top
i = SetSysModalWindow(hWnd)
End If
'refresh password box
PasswordLabel.Visible = False
PasswordLabel.Visible = True
'convert key to ascii
'GetKeyboardStateBystring (KeyState)' get kb state
'i = ToAsciiBystring(KeyCode, 0, KeyState, LongChar, 0)
'KeyAscii = LongChar Mod 256
KeyAscii = MapVirtualKey(KeyCode, 2) ' convert virtual key code to ascii
LogFile ("KeyDown, (" + Str$(KeyCode) + ", " + Str$(Shift) + ") received, translated to '" + Chr$(KeyAscii) + "' (" + Str$(KeyAscii) + ")"), 0
KeyCode = 0' clear key
'parse key into password
If KeyAscii = 13 Then ' ENTER key pressed.
KeyAscii = 0 ' Prevents Beep after ENTER Key.
If temp$ = Passwd Then
LogFile ("Password entered, Terminating"), 0
EndScrnSaveForm ' End screen blanking
temp$ = ""
LogFile ("Invalid Password entered, Continuing"), 0
PasswordLabel.Caption = "Password Invalid "
Beep ' Signal user that password failed.
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf KeyAscii = 8 Then ' Backspace key pressed.
KeyAscii = 0 'character is not passed on
If temp$ <> "" Then 'only delete if not empty
temp$ = Left$(temp$, Len(temp$) - 1) ' Remove one char.
End If
ElseIf Len(temp$) = NUMCHARS Then ' Limit size of password.
KeyAscii = 0
Beep ' Signal user that field is full.
ElseIf KeyAscii < 32 Then ' ignore control keys
KeyAscii = 0 ' character is not passed on
Else 'normal character that we can recognize?
temp$ = temp$ + UCase$(Chr$(KeyAscii)) ' Add a character.
KeyAscii = 0 'character is not passed on
End If
PasswordLabel.Caption = "Password>" + String$(Len(temp$), "*")
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
If Passwd <> "" Then
'refresh system modal in case another process
'has grabbed it
If TestMode = 0 Then
ZOrder 0' make sure form is still on top
i = SetSysModalWindow(hWnd)
End If
'refresh password box
PasswordLabel.Visible = False
PasswordLabel.Visible = True
LogFile ("KeyPress, '" + Chr$(KeyAscii) + "' received, code(" + Str$(KeyAscii) + ")"), 0
KeyAscii = 0 ' trap characters
LogFile ("KeyPress, Terminating"), 0
EndScrnSaveForm ' End screen blanking
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_KeyUp (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
LogFile ("KeyUp, (" + Str$(KeyCode) + ", " + Str$(Shift) + ") received"), 0
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
' stretch to full screen
Move 0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height
TotalNumColors = GetNumberOfColors()'read number colors display can handle
LogFile "Display supports " + Str$(TotalNumColors) + " colors", 0
KeyPreview = True 'form takes priority on keys
'set system modal
If TestMode = 0 Then
ZOrder 0' make sure form is still on top
i = SetSysModalWindow(hWnd) 'make sure can't CTL-ALT-DEL out
End If
'make mouse invisible
If TestMode = 0 Then
End If
'tell windows to disable screen savers
i = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, False, 0, 0)
DrawWidth = 1
MaxPlotType = 21
ReadPriorities ' call each Plot type to get its priority
' Initialize variables now
'set plot type
If StartSaver = 0 Then
PlotType = MaxPlotType * Rnd
PlotType = StartSaver
End If
If PlotType > MaxPlotType Then PlotType = 1
LogFile ("First Saver is " + Str$(PlotType)), 1
PlotInit = False
PlotEnd = False
TimeInterval = 0
MaxTime = MaxChangeMinutes * 60 + Timer ' calculate time in seconds
'set tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
Repeats = 1 ' number of drawings to make before returning
Tick.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Form_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If IsEmpty(MouseX) Or IsEmpty(MouseY) Then
MouseX = x
MouseY = y
LogFile ("First Mouse Movement (" + Str$(x) + "," + Str$(y) + ")"), 0
End If
' Only unblank the screen if the mouse moves quickly
' enough (more than 2 pixels at one time.
If Abs(MouseX - x) > 2 Or Abs(MouseY - y) > 2 Then
If Passwd = "" Then ' only exit if no password
LogFile ("Mouse Movement (" + Str$(x) + "," + Str$(y) + "), Terminating"), 0
LogFile ("Old Pos (" + Str$(MouseX) + "," + Str$(MouseY) + "), Terminating"), 0
EndScrnSaveForm ' End screen blanking
'refresh system modal in case another process
'has grabbed it
If TestMode = 0 Then
i = SetSysModalWindow(hWnd)
End If
PasswordLabel.Visible = False
PasswordLabel.Visible = True
End If
End If
LogFile ("Mouse Movement (" + Str$(x) + "," + Str$(y) + "), Continuing"), 0
MouseX = x ' Remember last position
MouseY = y
End Sub
Sub Form_Paint ()
' stretch to full screen
Move 0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height
End Sub
Function GetBrightNonGray () As Long
' this function is needed because in 256 color mode
' many random colors get mapped to grays
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim NewColor As Long
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
'LogFile ("GetBrightNonGray testing color (" + Str$(i) + "," + Str$(j) + "," + Str$(k) + ")")
'get nearest colors
NewColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
i = NewColor And &HFF
j = NewColor \ &H100 And &HFF
k = NewColor \ &H10000 And &HFF
'LogFile ("GetBrightNonGray nearest color (" + Str$(i) + "," + Str$(j) + "," + Str$(k) + ")")
'make sure color is sufficiently bright, and not too gray
Loop Until ((i * i + j * j + k * k) > MinColor) And ((Abs(i - j) > MinDiff) Or (Abs(j - k) > MinDiff))
'LogFile ("GetBrightNonGray using color (" + Str$(i) + "," + Str$(j) + "," + Str$(k) + ")")
GetBrightNonGray = NewColor
End Function
Function GetNumberOfColors () As Single
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
' get bits per pixel per plane
i = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL)
' get number of planes
j = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, PLANES)
' get total bits per pixel
k = i * j
GetNumberOfColors = 2# ^ k
End Function
Function GetSize (FileName$) As Integer
Dim InLine$
Dim Loaded As Integer
Open FileName$ For Binary As #1
'read header
InLine$ = Input$(26, 1)
If Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 1, 1)) <> &H42 Then GoTo errorexit
If Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 2, 1)) <> &H4D Then GoTo errorexit
PicWidth = Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 19, 1)) + Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 20, 1)) * 256
PicHeight = Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 23, 1)) + Asc(Mid$(InLine$, 24, 1)) * 256
'Debug.Print SWidth, SHeight
Close #1
Loaded = 1 'flag good read
GoTo regexit
errorexit: Loaded = 0
regexit: ' no error exit
GetSize = Loaded'return read state
End Function
Sub Kalied ()
' have a line and its mirror images trace across the
' screen with multiple previous copies following
' it
Dim xRadius As Integer, yRadius As Integer
Static OldWidth As Integer, OldHeight As Integer
Static OldLeft As Integer, OldTop As Integer
Static Discontinuous As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
If Rnd > .5 Then
Discontinuous = False
Discontinuous = True
End If
'select mirroring method
Mirror = Rnd * HighMirror + 1: If Mirror > HighMirror Then Mirror = 1
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim x2a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim y1a(MaxLines) As Integer
ReDim y2a(MaxLines) As Integer
Pointer = 1 ' start with array element 1
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
'save old
OldWidth = ScaleWidth: OldHeight = ScaleHeight
OldLeft = Scaleleft: OldTop = Scaletop
'change scaleso they are symetrical:
ScaleHeight = ScaleWidth
Scaleleft = -ScaleHeight / 2
Scaletop = Scaleleft
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
'determine initial position of line
x1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
x2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
y1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
y2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
'set initial velocity
vx1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vx2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vy1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
vy2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
'set initial acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
'set tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'reset tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
'zero array sizes
ReDim x1a(0) As Integer
ReDim x2a(0) As Integer
ReDim y1a(0) As Integer
ReDim y2a(0) As Integer
'reset screen dimensions
ScaleWidth = OldWidth
ScaleHeight = OldHeight
Scaleleft = OldLeft
Scaletop = OldTop
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
' get color
l = GetBrightNonGray()
If Discontinuous = True Then
'determine new position of line
x1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
x2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
y1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
y2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
'set new velocity
vx1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vx2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vy1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
vy2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
'clear acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
End If
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Delete original Lines
KaliedPlot Mirror, x1a(Pointer), y1a(Pointer), x2a(Pointer), y2a(Pointer), m
'Save New Lines
x1a(Pointer) = x1
x2a(Pointer) = x2
y1a(Pointer) = y1
y2a(Pointer) = y2
'Draw New Lines
KaliedPlot Mirror, x1, y1, x2, y2, l
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxLines Then
Pointer = 1
End If
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ax2 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
ay2 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
x2 = x2 + vx2
y1 = y1 + vy1
y2 = y2 + vy2
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = 0: ax2 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
vy2 = (vy2 + ay2): If Abs(vy2) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2 = 0: ay2 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > -Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > -Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
If (x2 > -Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx2 = -Abs(vx2)
ElseIf (x2 < Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx2 = Abs(vx2)
End If
If (y2 > -Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy2 = -Abs(vy2)
ElseIf (y2 < Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy2 = Abs(vy2)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Kalied2 ()
' have a line and its mirror images trace across the
' screen with all the previous copies left on the screen
' until the maximum is reached and the screen cleared
Dim xRadius As Integer, yRadius As Integer
Static OldWidth As Integer, OldHeight As Integer
Static OldLeft As Integer, OldTop As Integer
Static Discontinuous As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = True Then
ScaleWidth = OldWidth
ScaleHeight = OldHeight
Scaleleft = OldLeft
Scaletop = OldTop
Exit Sub
End If
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
If Rnd > .5 Then
Discontinuous = False
Discontinuous = True
End If
'select mirroring method
Mirror = Rnd * HighMirror + 1: If Mirror > HighMirror Then Mirror = 1
Pointer = 1 ' set lines on screen to one
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
'save old
OldWidth = ScaleWidth: OldHeight = ScaleHeight
OldLeft = Scaleleft: OldTop = Scaletop
'change scaleso they are symetrical:
ScaleHeight = ScaleWidth
Scaleleft = -ScaleHeight / 2
Scaletop = Scaleleft
'determine initial position of line
x1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
x2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
y1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
y2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
'set initial velocity
vx1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vx2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vy1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
vy2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
'set initial acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
' get color
l = GetBrightNonGray()
If Discontinuous = True Then
'determine new position of line
x1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
x2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleWidth
y1 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
y2 = (Rnd - .5) * ScaleHeight
'set new velocity
vx1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vx2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedX
vy1 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
vy2 = (Rnd - .5) * 2 * MaxSpeedY
'clear acceleration
ax1 = 0
ax2 = 0
ay1 = 0
ay2 = 0
End If
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Draw New Lines
KaliedPlot Mirror, x1, y1, x2, y2, l
' count total lines on screen
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxCums Then
'when maximum reached then clear
Pointer = 1
End If
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ax2 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
ay2 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
x2 = x2 + vx2
y1 = y1 + vy1
y2 = y2 + vy2
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = 0: ax2 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
vy2 = (vy2 + ay2): If Abs(vy2) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2 = 0: ay2 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > -Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > -Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
If (x2 > -Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx2 = -Abs(vx2)
ElseIf (x2 < Scaleleft) Then
'change direction
vx2 = Abs(vx2)
End If
If (y2 > -Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy2 = -Abs(vy2)
ElseIf (y2 < Scaletop) Then
'change direction
vy2 = Abs(vy2)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub KaliedPlot (MirrorMode As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer, Color As Long)
'warning -- recursive subroutine
Dim xm1 As Integer, ym1 As Integer, xm2 As Integer, ym2 As Integer
Select Case MirrorMode
Case 1: 'mirror on x and y axis
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
Line (-x1, y1)-(-x2, y2), Color
Line (x1, -y1)-(x2, -y2), Color
Line (-x1, -y1)-(-x2, -y2), Color
Case 2: 'mirror on Y axis
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
Line (-x1, y1)-(-x2, y2), Color
Case 3: 'mirror around center point
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
Line (-x1, -y1)-(-x2, -y2), Color
Case 4: 'mirror around center point and diagonally
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
Line (-x1, -y1)-(-x2, -y2), Color
'mirror diagonally
xm1 = y1
ym1 = x1
xm2 = y2
ym2 = x2
Line (-xm1, ym1)-(-xm2, ym2), Color
Line (xm1, -ym1)-(xm2, -ym2), Color
Case 5: 'mirror on x and y axis and diagonally
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), Color
Line (-x1, y1)-(-x2, y2), Color
Line (x1, -y1)-(x2, -y2), Color
Line (-x1, -y1)-(-x2, -y2), Color
'mirror diagonally
xm1 = y1
ym1 = x1
xm2 = y2
ym2 = x2
Line (xm1, ym1)-(xm2, ym2), Color
Line (-xm1, ym1)-(-xm2, ym2), Color
Line (xm1, -ym1)-(xm2, -ym2), Color
Line (-xm1, -ym1)-(-xm2, -ym2), Color
Case 6: 'mirror around center point and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
KaliedPlot 4, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 45 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos45 - y1 * Sin45
ym1 = y1 * Cos45 + x1 * Sin45
xm2 = x2 * Cos45 - y2 * Sin45
ym2 = y2 * Cos45 + x2 * Sin45
KaliedPlot 4, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case 7: 'mirror on x and y axis and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
KaliedPlot 5, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 45 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos45 - y1 * Sin45
ym1 = y1 * Cos45 + x1 * Sin45
xm2 = x2 * Cos45 - y2 * Sin45
ym2 = y2 * Cos45 + x2 * Sin45
KaliedPlot 5, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case 8: 'mirror around center point and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
'and then shift 22.5 and repeat the above
KaliedPlot 6, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 22.5 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos22_5 - y1 * Sin22_5
ym1 = y1 * Cos22_5 + x1 * Sin22_5
xm2 = x2 * Cos22_5 - y2 * Sin22_5
ym2 = y2 * Cos22_5 + x2 * Sin22_5
KaliedPlot 6, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case 9: 'mirror on x and y axis and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
'and then shift 22.5 and repeat the above
KaliedPlot 7, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 22.5 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos22_5 - y1 * Sin22_5
ym1 = y1 * Cos22_5 + x1 * Sin22_5
xm2 = x2 * Cos22_5 - y2 * Sin22_5
ym2 = y2 * Cos22_5 + x2 * Sin22_5
KaliedPlot 7, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case 10: 'mirror around center point and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
'and then shift 22.5 and repeat the above
'and then shift 11.25 and repeat the above
KaliedPlot 8, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 22.5 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos11_25 - y1 * Sin11_25
ym1 = y1 * Cos11_25 + x1 * Sin11_25
xm2 = x2 * Cos11_25 - y2 * Sin11_25
ym2 = y2 * Cos11_25 + x2 * Sin11_25
KaliedPlot 8, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case 11: 'mirror on x and y axis and diagonally
'and then shift 45 degrees and repeat
'and then shift 22.5 and repeat the above
'and then shift 11.25 and repeat the above
KaliedPlot 9, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color
'shift 22.5 degrees, formula
'r*sin(a+b) = y*cos(b) + x*sin(b)
'r*cos(a+b) = x*cos(b) - y*sin(b)
xm1 = x1 * Cos11_25 - y1 * Sin11_25
ym1 = y1 * Cos11_25 + x1 * Sin11_25
xm2 = x2 * Cos11_25 - y2 * Sin11_25
ym2 = y2 * Cos11_25 + x2 * Sin11_25
KaliedPlot 9, xm1, ym1, xm2, ym2, Color
Case Else: MirrorMode = 1' if invalid value set, then change
End Select
End Sub
Sub Lines ()
' have a random number of lines trace across the
' screen with multiple previous copies following
' them
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, ii As Integer, n As Integer
Dim il As Long, jl As Long, kl As Long
Static Sets As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
'set number of sets between 1 and 4
Sets = Rnd * 3 + 1
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim x2da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim y1da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim y2da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim x2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim y1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim y2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vx2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vy2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ax2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ay2sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim Colors(Sets) As Long
Pointer = 1 ' start with array element 1
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine initial position of line
x1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleWidth
x2sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleHeight
y2sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleHeight
Next j
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim x2da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim y1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim y2da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(0) As Single
ReDim x2sa(0) As Single
ReDim y1sa(0) As Single
ReDim y2sa(0) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vx2sa(0) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vy2sa(0) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ax2sa(0) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ay2sa(0) As Single
ReDim Colors(0) As Long
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
' get colors
For ii = 1 To Sets
Colors(ii) = GetBrightNonGray()
Next ii
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Delete original Lines
For j = 1 To Sets
Line (x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j))-(x2da(Pointer, j), y2da(Pointer, j)), m
Next j
For j = 1 To Sets
'Save New Lines
x1da(Pointer, j) = x1sa(j)
x2da(Pointer, j) = x2sa(j)
y1da(Pointer, j) = y1sa(j)
y2da(Pointer, j) = y2sa(j)
'Draw new Line
Line (x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j))-(x2da(Pointer, j), y2da(Pointer, j)), Colors(j)
Next j
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxLines Then
Pointer = 1
End If
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine new acceleration
ax1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
ax2sa(j) = Rnd - .5
ay1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
ay2sa(j) = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1sa(j) = x1sa(j) + vx1sa(j)
x2sa(j) = x2sa(j) + vx2sa(j)
y1sa(j) = y1sa(j) + vy1sa(j)
y2sa(j) = y2sa(j) + vy2sa(j)
'calculate new velocity
vx1sa(j) = (vx1sa(j) + ax1sa(j)): If Abs(vx1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1sa(j) = 0: ax1sa(j) = 0
vx2sa(j) = (vx2sa(j) + ax2sa(j)): If Abs(vx2sa(j)) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2sa(j) = 0: ax2sa(j) = 0
vy1sa(j) = (vy1sa(j) + ay1sa(j)): If Abs(vy1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1sa(j) = 0: ay1sa(j) = 0
vy2sa(j) = (vy2sa(j) + ay2sa(j)): If Abs(vy2sa(j)) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2sa(j) = 0: ay2sa(j) = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1sa(j) > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = -Abs(vx1sa(j))
ElseIf (x1sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = Abs(vx1sa(j))
End If
If (y1sa(j) > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = -Abs(vy1sa(j))
ElseIf (y1sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = Abs(vy1sa(j))
End If
If (x2sa(j) > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx2sa(j) = -Abs(vx2sa(j))
ElseIf (x2sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vx2sa(j) = Abs(vx2sa(j))
End If
If (y2sa(j) > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy2sa(j) = -Abs(vy2sa(j))
ElseIf (y2sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vy2sa(j) = Abs(vy2sa(j))
End If
Next j
End If
End Sub
Function LoadSlide (File As String, ShowPic As Integer) As Integer
'loads picture to screen, if gif file extension, then
'save to dib bitmap, returns zero on failure
Dim RetVal As Integer, i As Integer, l As Long
Dim Header As Long, DataBits As Long
Dim TempName As String
RetVal = 1
If InStr(UCase$(File), ".GIF") = 0 Then
' if not gif file, then bitmap
If ShowPic Then
On Error GoTo 116
picture = LoadPicture(File)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
'get dimensions of bitmap
If GetSize(File) = 0 Then RetVal = 0
Else ' convert gif to DIB
l = ManyGifLoad(File, PicWidth, PicHeight)'load gif
If l <= 0 Then
LogFile "Could not read GIF file " + File, 1
RetVal = 0
'where to store converted file
TempName = RTrim$(BitmapsDir) + "\tmprary.dib"
i = ManyDIBWrite(TempName)
If i <> 0 Then 'check for error
LogFile "Could not write GIF file " + TempName, 1
RetVal = 0
If ShowPic Then
On Error GoTo 116
picture = LoadPicture(TempName)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
LoadSlide = RetVal
Exit Function
116 'could not load file, out of memory?
On Error GoTo 0
RetVal = 0
LogFile ("Could not load file " + File), 1
Resume Next
End Function
Function LoadSlideAndTile (File As String) As Integer
' returns zero on error
Dim i As Integer, RetVal As Integer
RetVal = 1
If File = "" Then
RetVal = 0
i = LoadSlide(File, 1)'put file on display
If i = 0 Then 'check if could not load
RetVal = 0
End If
End If
LoadSlideAndTile = i
End Function
Sub MultiSpiros ()
'Do spirograph like figures
'reserve memory
Const Deg2Pi = PI / 180
Static MaxRad As Integer'maximum radius for circles
Const MaxNodes = 35'maximum number of nodes on spiro
Dim Nodes As Integer
Const MaxRpts = 7'max times to go around circle
Dim Rpts As Integer
Const PlotPoints = 1'number of points to plot each time
Const ClearCount = 3'number on screen before clearing
Static PlotAngleIncr As Single
Static PlotEndAngle As Single
Static PlotAngle As Single
Static SinIncr As Single
Static SinAngle As Single
Static Xcenter As Integer
Static Ycenter As Integer
Static Xincr As Integer
Static Yincr As Integer
Const MaxSpiro = 8' maximum number of simultaneous spiros
Static SpiroCnt As Integer
Static Rad1 As Integer
Static Rad2 As Integer
Dim r As Single
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim il As Long, jl As Long, kl As Long
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'initialize variables used
PlotEndAngle = 0
PlotAngle = 10
MaxRad = ScaleHeight / 3'maximum radius for circles
Pointer = 0
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
DrawWidth = 1' use narrow line
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to do new spiro
If PlotAngle > PlotEndAngle Then
'set foreground color
ForeColor = GetBrightNonGray()
PlotAngle = Rnd * 180 * Deg2Pi'initial offset
Rpts = Rnd * MaxRpts + .5
PlotAngleIncr = .125 * Rpts * Deg2Pi
PlotEndAngle = 360 * Rpts * Deg2Pi + PlotAngle + PlotAngleIncr
Nodes = Rnd * MaxNodes + .5
SinIncr = PlotAngleIncr * Nodes / Rpts
SinAngle = 0
Rad1 = MaxRad * Rnd + ScaleHeight / 80
Rad2 = MaxRad * Rnd + ScaleHeight / 80
'get location of first
Xcenter = Rnd * ScaleWidth * 3 / 4 + ScaleWidth / 8
Ycenter = Rnd * ScaleHeight * 3 / 4 + ScaleHeight / 8
'get location of last
i = Rnd * ScaleWidth * 3 / 4 + ScaleWidth / 8
j = Rnd * ScaleHeight * 3 / 4 + ScaleHeight / 8
'get number
SpiroCnt = (MaxSpiro - 2) * Rnd + 2' maximum number of simultaneous spiros
'calculate increment
Xincr = (i - Xcenter) / (SpiroCnt - 1)
Yincr = (j - Ycenter) / (SpiroCnt - 1)
DrawWidth = 1 + 2 * Rnd ' set line width
GoSub 3000 'calculate x1 and y1
Delay 2'pause before clearing screen
End If
For i = 1 To PlotPoints
GoSub 3000 'calculate x1 and y1
k = x1: l = y1: m = LastX: n = LastY
'plot each spiro
For j = 1 To SpiroCnt
'draw line
Line (m, n)-(k, l)
'get location for next
k = k + Xincr: l = l + Yincr
m = m + Xincr: n = n + Yincr
Next j
Next i
CurrentTime = Timer
If (CurrentTime > MaxTime) Or (LastTime > CurrentTime) Then Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
3000 'calculate new point on screen
LastX = x1: LastY = y1
r = Rad1 + Rad2 * Sin(SinAngle)
x1 = r * Cos(PlotAngle) + Xcenter
y1 = r * Sin(PlotAngle) + Ycenter
SinAngle = SinAngle + SinIncr
PlotAngle = PlotAngle + PlotAngleIncr
End Sub
Sub NextSelection ()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Level As Single
If RandomFlag <> 0 Then
' pick a new selection but not the same as the last
'i = Int(Rnd * MaxPlotType) + 1'choose next one at random
Level = Rnd * TotalPriority' get random proportion of TP
'now search array to see which saver this prop. falls into
i = 1
While (PriorityBreakPoints(i) <= Level)
i = i + 1
'Debug.Print i, Level, TotalPriority
If (i > MaxPlotType) Or (i < 1) Then i = PlotType'flag to try again
Loop While (i = PlotType)
PlotType = i
PlotType = PlotType + 1
End If
LogFile ("Next Saver is" + Str$(PlotType)), 1
End Sub
Sub Patch ()
' copy blocks of original screen to random spots
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' set tick rate down
Tick.Interval = 250
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
i = Int(Rnd * 2#) 'if i=0 then alternate reverse copy
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'reset tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
End If
Else ' put run code here
BoxHeight = Rnd * ScaleHeight / 2.5
BoxWidth = Rnd * ScaleWidth / 2.5 * (8# / 6#)
' get random locations
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
x2 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y2 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'make sure room in destination and source blocks
If x1 + BoxWidth > ScaleWidth Then BoxWidth = ScaleWidth - x1
If x2 + BoxWidth > ScaleWidth Then BoxWidth = ScaleWidth - x2
If y1 + BoxHeight > ScaleHeight Then BoxHeight = ScaleHeight - y1
If y2 + BoxHeight > ScaleHeight Then BoxHeight = ScaleHeight - y2
'BitBlt Box from x2,y2 to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
If i = 0 And Rnd < .5 Then
BitBlt hDC, x1, y1, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x2, y2, &H330008 'not source copy
BitBlt hDC, x1, y1, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x2, y2, &HCC0020 'source copy
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Polygons ()
' draw a randomly moving polygon on the screen
' with multiple previous copies following it
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, ii As Integer, n As Integer
Dim il As Long, jl As Long, kl As Long
Static Sets As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
'set number of sets between 3 and 5
Sets = Rnd * 2 + 3
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim y1da(MaxLines, Sets) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim y1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(Sets) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(Sets) As Single
Pointer = 1 ' start with array element 1
' set index to count number of times to repeat color
' to past maxvalue so that it will be recalculated
RepeatIndex = MaxLines + 1
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine initial position of line
x1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleHeight
Next j
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'Set array size and clear the elements
ReDim x1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim y1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(0) As Single
ReDim y1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(0) As Single
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to get a new color
If RepeatIndex > RepeatCount Then
' get colors
l = GetBrightNonGray()
RepeatIndex = 1
RepeatIndex = RepeatIndex + 1
End If
'Delete original Lines
Line (x1da(Pointer, 1), y1da(Pointer, 1))-(x1da(Pointer, 2), y1da(Pointer, 2)), m
For j = 3 To Sets
Line -(x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j)), m
Next j
Line -(x1da(Pointer, 1), y1da(Pointer, 1)), m
For j = 1 To Sets
'Save New Lines
x1da(Pointer, j) = x1sa(j)
y1da(Pointer, j) = y1sa(j)
Next j
'Draw New Lines
Line (x1da(Pointer, 1), y1da(Pointer, 1))-(x1da(Pointer, 2), y1da(Pointer, 2)), l
For j = 3 To Sets
Line -(x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j)), l
Next j
Line -(x1da(Pointer, 1), y1da(Pointer, 1)), l
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > MaxLines Then
Pointer = 1
End If
For j = 1 To Sets
'determine new acceleration
ax1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
ay1sa(j) = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1sa(j) = x1sa(j) + vx1sa(j)
y1sa(j) = y1sa(j) + vy1sa(j)
'calculate new velocity
vx1sa(j) = (vx1sa(j) + ax1sa(j)): If Abs(vx1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1sa(j) = 0: ax1sa(j) = 0
vy1sa(j) = (vy1sa(j) + ay1sa(j)): If Abs(vy1sa(j)) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1sa(j) = 0: ay1sa(j) = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1sa(j) > ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = -Abs(vx1sa(j))
ElseIf (x1sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = Abs(vx1sa(j))
End If
If (y1sa(j) > ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = -Abs(vy1sa(j))
ElseIf (y1sa(j) < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = Abs(vy1sa(j))
End If
Next j
End If
End Sub
Sub Puzzle ()
'scramble screen by shifting one column or row at a time
Dim tempx As Integer, tempy As Integer
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' set tick rate down
Tick.Interval = 1000
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
PlotInit = True
Number = Rnd * 16 + 4
'Number = 20
BoxHeight = ScaleHeight / Number
BoxWidth = ScaleWidth / Number
'initialize blocks
ReDim x1da(Number, Number) As Integer
ReDim y1da(Number, Number) As Integer
For x1 = 1 To Number
For y1 = 1 To Number
x1da(x1, y1) = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y1da(x1, y1) = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
Next y1
Next x1
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
ReDim x1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim y1da(0, 0) As Integer
'reset tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
End If
Else ' put run code here
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 1 Then 'shift column
x1 = Rnd * Number + 1: If x1 > Number Then x1 = 1
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 1 Then 'shift down
tempx = x1da(x1, Number)
tempy = y1da(x1, Number)
For y1 = Number To 2 Step -1
x1da(x1, y1) = x1da(x1, y1 - 1)
y1da(x1, y1) = y1da(x1, y1 - 1)
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Next y1
y1 = 1
x1da(x1, y1) = tempx
y1da(x1, y1) = tempy
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Else ' shift up
tempx = x1da(x1, 1)
tempy = y1da(x1, 1)
For y1 = 1 To (Number - 1)
x1da(x1, y1) = x1da(x1, y1 + 1)
y1da(x1, y1) = y1da(x1, y1 + 1)
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Next y1
y1 = Number
x1da(x1, y1) = tempx
y1da(x1, y1) = tempy
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
End If
Else ' shift row
y1 = Rnd * Number + 1: If y1 > Number Then y1 = 1
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 1 Then 'shift right
tempx = x1da(Number, y1)
tempy = y1da(Number, y1)
For x1 = Number To 2 Step -1
x1da(x1, y1) = x1da(x1 - 1, y1)
y1da(x1, y1) = y1da(x1 - 1, y1)
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Next x1
x1 = 1
x1da(x1, y1) = tempx
y1da(x1, y1) = tempy
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Else 'shift left
tempx = x1da(1, y1)
tempy = y1da(1, y1)
For x1 = 1 To (Number - 1)
x1da(x1, y1) = x1da(x1 + 1, y1)
y1da(x1, y1) = y1da(x1 + 1, y1)
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
Next x1
x1 = Number
x1da(x1, y1) = tempx
y1da(x1, y1) = tempy
'BitBlt Box to x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
x = (x1 - 1) * BoxWidth
y = (y1 - 1) * BoxHeight
BitBlt hDC, x, y, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x1da(x1, y1), y1da(x1, y1), &HCC0020
Line (x, y)-Step(BoxWidth, BoxHeight), m, B
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ReadPriorities ()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim temp As String * 30, Out As String
Dim Priority As Single
ReDim PriorityBreakPoints(MaxPlotType + 1) As Single
ReDim Priorities(MaxPlotType) As Integer
TotalPriority = 0
For i = 1 To MaxPlotType
j = GetPrivateProfileString(secName, PriorityBaseName + Int2Str(i), "1", temp, 28, iniName)
Priority = Val(temp)
Out = Out + Str$(Priority)
If Priority < 0# Then Priority = 0#
If Priority = 0# Then
Priorities(i) = 0
Priorities(i) = 1
End If
TotalPriority = TotalPriority + Priority
PriorityBreakPoints(i) = TotalPriority
LogFile "Priorites set to " + Out, 0
PriorityBreakPoints(MaxPlotType + 1) = TotalPriority + 3.402E+38
End Sub
Sub Replicate ()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
DC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0&, 0&, 0&)
'limit sizes
If PicWidth > ScrnWidth Then PicWidth = ScrnWidth
If PicHeight > ScrnHeight Then PicHeight = ScrnHeight
If (PicWidth < ScrnWidth) Or (PicHeight < ScrnHeight) Then
'need to center picture
'first backup picture
BitBlt original.hDC, 0, 0, PicWidth, PicHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
'clear original
'Picture = LoadPicture()
' now copy back centered
x = ScrnWidth / 2 - PicWidth / 2
y = ScrnHeight / 2 - PicHeight / 2
BitBlt hDC, x, y, PicWidth, PicHeight, original.hDC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
End If
If (PicWidth < ScrnWidth) Then 'fill row
'1st copy left
x1 = x
While x1 > 0
BitBlt hDC, x1 - PicWidth, 0, PicWidth, ScrnHeight, hDC, x, 0, &HCC0020
x1 = x1 - PicWidth
'next copy right
x1 = x
While x1 < ScrnWidth
BitBlt hDC, x1 + PicWidth, 0, PicWidth, ScrnHeight, hDC, x, 0, &HCC0020
x1 = x1 + PicWidth
End If
If (PicHeight < ScrnHeight) Then
'1st copy up
y1 = y
While y1 > 0
BitBlt hDC, 0, y1 - PicHeight, ScrnWidth, PicHeight, hDC, 0, y, &HCC0020
y1 = y1 - PicHeight
'next copy down
y1 = y
While y1 < ScrnHeight
BitBlt hDC, 0, y1 + PicHeight, ScrnWidth, PicHeight, hDC, 0, y, &HCC0020
y1 = y1 + PicHeight
End If
i = DeleteDC(DC)
End Sub
Sub Roll ()
' the display rolls both horizontally and vertically
Dim v As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
' initial velocities
vy1 = 0: vx1 = 0
' initial offset
x1 = 0: y1 = 0
Direction = Rnd * 2: If Direction > 1 Then Direction = 0
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
End If
Else ' put run code here
DC = original.hDC
If Direction Then
' do vertical scroll
BitBlt hDC, 0, y1, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight - y1, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
BitBlt hDC, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, y1, DC, 0, ScaleHeight - y1, &HCC0020
' do horizontal scroll
BitBlt hDC, x1, 0, ScaleWidth - x1, ScaleHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
BitBlt hDC, 0, 0, x1, ScaleHeight, DC, ScaleWidth - x1, 0, &HCC0020
End If
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
'find new roll amount
x1 = x1 + vx1
If x1 > ScaleWidth Then
x1 = x1 - ScaleWidth
If x1 < 0 Then
x1 = x1 + ScaleWidth
End If
End If
y1 = y1 + vy1
If y1 > ScaleHeight Then
y1 = y1 - ScaleHeight
If y1 < 0 Then
y1 = y1 + ScaleHeight
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub RunSelection ()
' execute the appropriate selection
Select Case PlotType
Case 1: Squiggles
Case 2: Kalied2
Case 3: Polygons
Case 4: Circles
Case 5: Kalied
Case 6: Lines
Case 7: Roll
Case 8: FilledCircles
Case 9: Patch
Case 10: Spiro
Case 11: Scrape
Case 12: Stretch
Case 13: Dribble
Case 14: Drop
Case 15: Slides
Case 16: FilledPolygons
Case 17: MultiSpiros
Case 18: Puzzle
Case 19: ShootHoles
Case 20: CyclePalette
Case 21: Confetti
Case Else: PlotType = 1
RunSelection ' try again
End Select
End Sub
Sub Scrape ()
Static smear As Integer
' bitblt's with various patterns, dragging them
' across the screen randomly
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
'determine initial position of line
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
BoxHeight = 400 * Rnd ^ 3 + 20
BoxWidth = (400 * Rnd ^ 3 + 20) * (8# / 6#)
' zero initial velocity
vx1 = 0: vy1 = 0
'default for smear
smear = False
' choose scrape type at random
i = Rnd * 14 + 1
'i = 12
Select Case i
Case 1: Pattern = &H42 'Black Out
Locked = True
Case 2: Pattern = &HFF0062 'White Out
Locked = True
Case 3: Pattern = &HBB0226 'MergePaint
Locked = False
Case 4: Pattern = &H330008 'Not source copy
Locked = True
Case 5: Pattern = &H330008 'Not source copy
Locked = False
Case 6: Pattern = &H330008 'Not source copy
Locked = False
picture = LoadPicture() ' start with blank screen
Case 7: Pattern = &H330008 'Not source copy
smear = True
'set random source location
x2 = Rnd * (ScaleWidth - BoxWidth)
y2 = Rnd * (ScaleHeight - BoxHeight)
Case 8: Pattern = &H660046 'source invert
Locked = True
Case 9: Pattern = &H8800C6 'source and
Locked = False
Case 10: Pattern = &HEE0086 'source paint (or)
Locked = False
Case 11: Pattern = &H550009 'Invert Destination
Locked = True
Case 12: Pattern = &HCC0020 'Source Copy
Locked = False
Case 13: Pattern = &HCC0020 'Source Copy
Locked = True
picture = LoadPicture() ' start with blank screen
Case Else: Pattern = &HCC0020 'Source Copy
smear = True
'set random source location
x2 = Rnd * (ScaleWidth - BoxWidth)
y2 = Rnd * (ScaleHeight - BoxHeight)
End Select
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
End If
Else ' put run code here
If smear Then
'do nothing
' do locking if necessary
ElseIf Locked Then
x2 = x1: y2 = y1
Else 'do offset
x2 = x1 + BoxWidth: If x2 + BoxWidth > ScaleWidth Then x2 = 0
y2 = y1 + BoxHeight: If y2 + BoxHeight > ScaleHeight Then y2 = 0
End If
'BitBlt Box at x1,y1
DC = original.hDC
BitBlt hDC, x1, y1, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, DC, x2, y2, Pattern
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
y1 = y1 + vy1
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 > ScaleWidth - BoxWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
ElseIf (x1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
End If
If (y1 > ScaleHeight - BoxHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
ElseIf (y1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SetWindow2DIBPalette (State As Integer)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer
Dim usepal%
'read dib palette into logical palette for cycling
ManyLoadLogPal Pal, 0, 256, State
usepal% = SendMessageByNum(hWnd, VBM_GETPALETTE, 0, 0)
'this has problems:
'i = SetPaletteEntries%(usepal%, 0, PALENTRIES, Pal.palPalEntry(0))
'try to set windows palette to logical palette using clipboard
If PaletteHandle <> 0 Then
i = DeleteObject(PaletteHandle)
End If
PaletteHandle = CreatePalette(Pal)
j = OpenClipboard(hWnd)
k = SetClipboardData(CF_PALETTE, PaletteHandle)
l = CloseClipboard()
picture = Clipboard.GetData(CF_PALETTE)
End Sub
Sub ShootHoles ()
' shoots small holes approximately at the same place
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim r As Long, x As Long, y As Long
Static Radius As Integer, HoleSize As Integer
Dim temp As Single
Const pi2 = PI * 2
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
PlotInit = True
'determine initial position of shot
x1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
'determine maximum radius of shot
Radius = (ScaleHeight - 100) * Rnd + 100
'set size of holes
HoleSize = 20 * Rnd ^ 2 + 2
RunMode = Int(Rnd * 3)'choose color mode to show
FillStyle = 0 'solid fill
If RunMode > 0 Then ' if random color then use larger spots
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
FillColor = ForeColor
ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)' use black box
FillColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'set black fill
End If
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
FillStyle = 1 'transparent fill
End If
Else ' put run code here
If RunMode > 1 Then ' if random color then use larger spots
i = Rnd * 255: If i > 255 Then i = 255
j = Rnd * 255: If j > 255 Then j = 255
k = Rnd * 255: If k > 255 Then k = 255
ForeColor = GetNearestColor(hDC, RGB(i, j, k))
FillColor = ForeColor
End If
'get distance from center
r = Rnd * Radius
'get random angle
temp = Rnd * pi2
'get x portion
x = r * Cos(temp)
'get y portion
y = r * Sin(temp)
' randomly change sign of x offset
If Rnd > .5 Then
x = -x
End If
' randomly change sign of y offset
If Rnd > .5 Then
y = -y
End If
' put random hole here
Circle (x1 + x, y1 + y), HoleSize, , , , 1
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowPal (palette As LOGPALETTE)
'displays the current palette
Dim usepal%
' Get a handle to the control's palette
usepal% = SendMessageByNum(hWnd, VBM_GETPALETTE, 0, 0)
AnimatePalette usepal%, 0, PALENTRIES, palette.palPalEntry(0)
End Sub
Sub Slides ()
'cycle between different bitmaps
Dim j As Integer
Static File As String
Static OldTime As Long
Static running As Integer
Dim CurTime As Long
Dim FileName As String
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
File = GetNextFile(BitmapsDir, 1, "gif", "bmp", "")
' find file
j = Rnd * 50 ' pick file at random
For i = 1 To j
File = GetNextFile(BitmapsDir, 0, "gif", "bmp", "")' get next file
Next i
i = LoadSlideAndTile(File)
If i = 0 Then 'check if could not load
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
OldTime = Timer
running = False
PlotInit = True
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
' save screen in place of original for latter use
' we do this because on palette based systems
' the slide procedure messes up the color
' palette and the Clipboard.setData 9 and
' Clipboard.GetData(9) sequence does not restore
' it, so we just use the new picture with the
' new palette from now on
DC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0&, 0&, 0&)
BitBlt original.hDC, 0, 0, ScrnWidth, ScrnHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
i = DeleteDC(DC)
i = ManyDibFree() 'free memory used for dib
If i <> 0 Then
LogFile "Could not free memory", 1
End If
End If
Else ' put run code here
If running Then Exit Sub ' no recursive calls
If File = "" Then Exit Sub
CurTime = Timer
If (CurTime >= OldTime) And ((OldTime + BmpSeconds) > CurTime) Then Exit Sub
OldTime = Timer
running = True
j = Rnd * 20
For i = 1 To j
File = GetNextFile(BitmapsDir, 0, "gif", "bmp", "")' get next file
Next i
i = LoadSlideAndTile(File)
If i = 0 Then 'check if could not load
NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End If
End If
running = False
Exit Sub
115 'directory path does not exist
On Error GoTo 0
LogFile ("Could not find file " + FileName), 1
Resume 117
117 NextSelection 'jump to next since there are no bitmap files in directory
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Spiro ()
'Do spirograph like figures
'reserve memory
Const Deg2Pi = PI / 180
Static MaxRad As Integer'maximum radius for circles
Const MaxNodes = 35'maximum number of nodes on spiro
Dim Nodes As Integer
Const MaxRpts = 7'max times to go around circle
Dim Rpts As Integer
Const PlotPoints = 1'number of points to plot each time
Const ClearCount = 3'number on screen before clearing
Static PlotAngleIncr As Single
Static PlotEndAngle As Single
Static PlotAngle As Single
Static SinIncr As Single
Static SinAngle As Single
Static Xcenter As Integer
Static Ycenter As Integer
Static Rad1 As Integer
Static Rad2 As Integer
Dim r As Single
Dim l As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'initialize variables used
PlotEndAngle = 0
PlotAngle = 10
MaxRad = ScaleHeight / 3'maximum radius for circles
Pointer = 0
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
DrawWidth = 1' use narrow line
End If
Else ' put run code here
' check if time to do new spiro
If PlotAngle > PlotEndAngle Then
'set foreground color
ForeColor = GetBrightNonGray()
PlotAngle = Rnd * 180 * Deg2Pi'initial offset
Rpts = Rnd * MaxRpts + .5
PlotAngleIncr = .125 * Rpts * Deg2Pi
PlotEndAngle = 360 * Rpts * Deg2Pi + PlotAngle + PlotAngleIncr
Nodes = Rnd * MaxNodes + .5
SinIncr = PlotAngleIncr * Nodes / Rpts
SinAngle = 0
Rad1 = MaxRad * Rnd + ScaleHeight / 80
Rad2 = MaxRad * Rnd + ScaleHeight / 80
Xcenter = Rnd * ScaleWidth * 3 / 4 + ScaleWidth / 8
Ycenter = Rnd * ScaleHeight * 3 / 4 + ScaleHeight / 8
DrawWidth = 1 + 2 * Rnd' use narrow line
GoSub 2000 'calculate x1 and y1
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer >= ClearCount Then
Delay 3'pause before clearing screen
Pointer = 0
End If
currentx = x1
currenty = y1
End If
For l = 1 To PlotPoints
GoSub 2000 'calculate x1 and y1
'draw line
'Line (LastX, LastY)-(x1, y1)
Line -(x1, y1)
Next l
CurrentTime = Timer
If (CurrentTime > MaxTime) Or (LastTime > CurrentTime) Then Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
2000 'calculate new point on screen
'LastX = x1: LastY = y1
r = Rad1 + Rad2 * Sin(SinAngle)
x1 = r * Cos(PlotAngle) + Xcenter
y1 = r * Sin(PlotAngle) + Ycenter
SinAngle = SinAngle + SinIncr
PlotAngle = PlotAngle + PlotAngleIncr
End Sub
Sub Squiggles ()
' draw multiple squiggles on the screen.
' each squiggle is assign a random color at the
' start, then the head travels randomly and the
' tail is erased
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, ii As Integer, n As Integer
Dim il As Long, jl As Long, kl As Long
Static SquigNumb As Integer
Static SquigLen As Integer
Static EndPointer As Integer, StartPointer As Integer
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
PlotInit = True
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
SquigNumb = Rnd * 10 + 10
SquigLen = Rnd * 100 + 50
'Allocate Memory
ReDim x1da(SquigLen, SquigNumb) As Integer
ReDim y1da(SquigLen, SquigNumb) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim y1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(SquigNumb) As Single
ReDim Colors(SquigNumb) As Long
Pointer = 1
'Print "Clearing Array"
For j = 1 To SquigNumb
'determine initial position of line
x1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleWidth
y1sa(j) = Rnd * ScaleHeight
For i = 1 To SquigLen
x1da(i, j) = x1sa(j)
y1da(i, j) = y1sa(j)
Next i
Next j
'find background color
m = QBColor(0)
' get colors
For ii = 1 To SquigNumb
Colors(ii) = GetBrightNonGray()
Next ii
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
ReDim x1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim y1da(0, 0) As Integer
ReDim x1sa(0) As Single
ReDim y1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vx1sa(0) As Single
ReDim vy1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ax1sa(0) As Single
ReDim ay1sa(0) As Single
ReDim Colors(0) As Long
End If
Else ' put run code here
'find where tail line went to
If Pointer < SquigLen Then
EndPointer = Pointer + 1
EndPointer = 1
End If
'find where new line goes
If Pointer > 1 Then
StartPointer = Pointer - 1
StartPointer = SquigLen
End If
If Rnd < .1 Then 'change a color 10% of the time
ii = Int(Rnd * SquigNumb + 1)' get random squiggle to change
If ii > SquigNumb Then ii = 1
Colors(ii) = GetBrightNonGray()
End If
For j = 1 To SquigNumb
'Erase tails of squigles
Line (x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j))-(x1da(EndPointer, j), y1da(EndPointer, j)), m
'Save new points
x1da(Pointer, j) = x1sa(j)
y1da(Pointer, j) = y1sa(j)
'Draw front of Squigles
Line (x1da(StartPointer, j), y1da(StartPointer, j))-(x1da(Pointer, j), y1da(Pointer, j)), Colors(j)
Next j
'Move pointer to next item
Pointer = Pointer + 1
If Pointer > SquigLen Then
Pointer = 1
End If
For j = 1 To SquigNumb
'determine new acceleration
ax1sa(j) = Rnd * 4 - 2
ay1sa(j) = Rnd * 4 - 2
'calculate new position
x1sa(j) = x1sa(j) + vx1sa(j)
y1sa(j) = y1sa(j) + vy1sa(j)
'calculate new velocity
vx1sa(j) = (vx1sa(j) + ax1sa(j)): If Abs(vx1sa(j)) > 20 Then vx1sa(j) = 0: ax1sa(j) = 0
vy1sa(j) = (vy1sa(j) + ay1sa(j)): If Abs(vy1sa(j)) > 20 Then vy1sa(j) = 0: ay1sa(j) = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1sa(j) > ScaleWidth) Then
x1sa(j) = ScaleWidth
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = -Abs(vx1sa(j))
ElseIf (x1sa(j) < 0) Then
x1sa(j) = 0
'change direction
vx1sa(j) = Abs(vx1sa(j))
End If
If (y1sa(j) > ScaleHeight) Then
y1sa(j) = ScaleHeight
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = -Abs(vy1sa(j))
ElseIf (y1sa(j) < 0) Then
y1sa(j) = 0
'change direction
vy1sa(j) = Abs(vy1sa(j))
End If
Next j
End If
End Sub
Sub Stretch ()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Static ShadowDC As Integer
Static oldBM As Integer
' does a StretchBlt from a random box within the Original
' image and then displays it on the screen
' if first time then initialize
If PlotInit = False Then
'see if we need to reset changes made from previous init
If PlotEnd = False Then
'check if saver is permitted to run
If CheckIfValidSaver(1) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'see how many colors display can handle
If TotalNumColors <= 256 Then 'see if palette based
LogFile ("Saver does not work in palette display mode: " + Str$(PlotType)), 0
NextSelection 'jump to next since this does not work
'well with palettes
Exit Sub
End If
' set tick rate down
Tick.Interval = 300
' start with original screen
picture = original.Image
' start temp form same as original
DC = original.hDC
BitBlt hDC, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
'BitBlt Temp.hDC, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, hDC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
'create hidden DC
'ShadowDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
'oldBM = SelectObject(ShadowDC, Original.Image)
PlotInit = True
'initial position is 1:1 copy
x1 = 0
y1 = 0
x2 = ScaleWidth
y2 = ScaleHeight
'Calculate velocity limits
MaxSpeedX = ScaleWidth * 15! / 800
MaxSpeedY = ScaleWidth * 15! / 600
' zero initial velocity
vx1 = MaxSpeedX * Rnd
vy1 = MaxSpeedY * Rnd
vx2 = -MaxSpeedX * Rnd
vy2 = -MaxSpeedY * Rnd
Pattern = &HCC0020 'Source Copy
Else 'reset changes done by previous init
'reset tick rate
Tick.Interval = 50
'destroy Device context
'i = SelectObject(ShadowDC, oldBM)
'i = DeleteDC(ShadowDC)
End If
Else ' put run code here
'make sure x1,y1 less than x2,y2 or swap
If x1 > x2 Then x = x1: x1 = x2: x2 = x
If y1 > y2 Then y = y1: y1 = y2: y2 = y
'make sure that source box size does not
'go below a minimum
If x2 - x1 < 40 Then x2 = x1 + 40
If y2 - y1 < 40 Then y2 = y1 + 40
'Stretch Box from x1,y1 to x2,y2 onto display
' direct route does not work right:
'DC = Original.hDC
'i = StretchBlt(hDC, ByVal 0, ByVal 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, DC, x1, y1, x, y, &HCC0020)
'indirect route does not work on pallete display modes:
DC = original.hDC
x = x2 - x1: y = y2 - y1
i = StretchBlt(temp.hDC, ByVal 0, ByVal 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, DC, x1, y1, x, y, &HCC0020)
' now that it has been stretched, write to display
DC = temp.hDC
BitBlt hDC, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, DC, 0, 0, &HCC0020
'try this method:
'i = StretchBlt(hDC, ByVal 0, ByVal 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ShadowDC, x1, y1, x, y, &HCC0020)
'determine new acceleration
ax1 = Rnd - .5
ay1 = Rnd - .5
ax2 = Rnd - .5
ay2 = Rnd - .5
'calculate new position
x1 = x1 + vx1
y1 = y1 + vy1
x2 = x2 + vx2
y2 = y2 + vy2
'calculate new velocity
vx1 = (vx1 + ax1): If Abs(vx1) > MaxSpeedX Then vx1 = 0: ax1 = 0
vy1 = (vy1 + ay1): If Abs(vy1) > MaxSpeedY Then vy1 = 0: ay1 = 0
vx2 = (vx2 + ax2): If Abs(vx2) > MaxSpeedX Then vx2 = 0: ax2 = 0
vy2 = (vy2 + ay2): If Abs(vy2) > MaxSpeedY Then vy2 = 0: ay2 = 0
'check if off screen
If (x1 >= ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx1 = -Abs(vx1)
x1 = ScaleWidth - 1
ElseIf (x1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx1 = Abs(vx1)
x1 = 0
End If
If (y1 >= ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy1 = -Abs(vy1)
y1 = ScaleHeight - 1
ElseIf (y1 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy1 = Abs(vy1)
y1 = 0
End If
'check if off screen
If (x2 >= ScaleWidth) Then
'change direction
vx2 = -Abs(vx2)
x2 = ScaleWidth - 1
ElseIf (x2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vx2 = Abs(vx2)
x2 = 0
End If
If (y2 >= ScaleHeight) Then
'change direction
vy2 = -Abs(vy2)
y2 = ScaleHeight - 1
ElseIf (y2 < 0) Then
'change direction
vy2 = Abs(vy2)
y2 = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Tick_Timer ()
' check elapsed time to see if need to change type of plot
' also check if past midnight
CurrentTime = Timer
If (CurrentTime > MaxTime) Or (LastTime > CurrentTime) Then
MaxTime = MaxChangeMinutes * 60 + CurrentTime ' calculate time in seconds
ZOrder 0' make sure form is still on top
'clear old saver
PlotInit = False: PlotEnd = True
LogFile ("Cleanup of" + Str$(PlotType)), 1
RunSelection 'just clean up after running
'LogFile ("After Cleanup of " + Str$(PlotType)), 1
'see if we want random selection
NextSelection 'get new PlotType
PlotInit = False: PlotEnd = False
'remove password prompt
PasswordLabel.Visible = False
End If
LastTime = CurrentTime
End Sub